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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Our Response

Posted by Erin Patterson | Mar 16, 2020


To:         Our Clients and Fellow Professional Advisors

Date:     March 16, 2020

We acknowledge that many of you have questions and concerns related to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 and about the legal documents you should have in place when a pandemic like this, or any other life-threatening situation, arises. 

We advise that your legal documents include at least: (1) a Will, (2) a general/financial power of attorney, (3) a health care power of attorney and living will, and (4) a HIPAA authorization for medical records release.  If you already have these documents in place, be sure to review them carefully and ensure your current wishes are reflected.  If you do not yet have these documents in place, we recommend that you contact an attorney to prepare them for you, particularly if you qualify for any of the high-risk groups (e.g. are immunosuppressed, elderly, etc.).

At this time, our team has established a virtual office and is on stand-by to assist with these items upon request. We are taking the necessary precautions to minimize in-person interactions and instead are conducting client conferences remotely via telephone and other means.  In limited circumstances and until or unless more specific restrictions are issued by our federal or state governments, we may have additional capacity to travel to our clients' locations.  As always, we can help assess and respond to individual needs. 

Please contact a member of our team if you have questions or would like to learn more.  We will continue to keep you updated regarding this rapidly developing situation.

About the Author

Erin Patterson

Founding Partner

How Can We Help?

We are standing by and ready to assist you with your estate planning or estate administration needs. Let us know how we can instill confidence and help bring you peace of mind. Your legacy depends on it.


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